Sunday, October 3, 2010

Head Truncation

Illustration by Frank Porcu

We had homework during the week which was to construct a block of clay (from a larger one) with the dimensions of 1 head high, 3/4 head wide, and 7/8 head deep. We brought those in, and Porcu began a series of drawings (along with lecture) that outlined the truncations (cuts?) that would be performed to turn the block into the beginnings of our écorché skull.

The drawings/lecture lasted the ENTIRE time. We took diligent notes and you can see the beginning of them above. We actually ran out of time just setting up so there was no actual cutting that got done, which I think puts us behind schedule.

Something very cool happened however. In telling us about the truncations for the frontal and occipital parietal widths I actually saw the practical application of all this anatomical knowledge.

He explained the planes of the skull, noting that only one side of the skull, the "true side-plane" catches light "head on" and the other planes move away from the light. He demoed with an illustration and then wrapped a piece of paper around the model's skull.

We IMMEDIATELY saw the change in value of the paper. It's so obvious to me know, but this small demo made me realize how important this anatomy is. If I can know the exact underlying structure of the skull it will inform me as to the change in values in the shapes I see in the figure :)

He also showed us how the image of Washington on the $1 bill takes into account these anatomical laws and the image on the new $5 bill DOES NOT. Lincoln looks like a mutant and Frank showed us how and why.

My homework for next week will be to finally transfer my notes cleanly into my nice hard-bound notebooken. (That's make-believe dutch for cuaderno.)

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